“And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold in it, and them that bought, saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but you have made it a den of thieves” (Luke 19:45-46).
The place was filled to overcapacity. The service at Central Baptist Church in Moscow, Russia was anticipatory. The invitation was given, many stood to come forward, but because of tightness of quarters, they rose together and there from their seat or in the aisle received Christ, repenting of the sin of unbelief.
Billy Graham had preached the Gospel in Moscow in 1984. Now Franklin, Billy’s son, shared the Gospel some thirty years later, a few weeks ago, 2015. The Russian churches who once under communist rule were closed and bulldozed to the ground but now are being rebuilt and reopened. The hearts of many in Russia are being prepared by God for God. Suppressed for nearly a century because of Satan’s doings someone is praying and God is opening doors. This is His work.
We must pray for the nations of the world. God has set our churches in America and other places to pray. But we have become imploded with our own self importance and needs. God has commanded that Christians salt the earth (Matthew 5:13), and it has not been repealed. The local church was created by God, not man, to achieve His purpose in the world. God has entrusted His reputation to ordinary people.
As we read the headlines may we pray for the nations. May we pray for God’s missionaries as they are ambassadors for Christ in foreign lands. And may we never forget that God has called us to meet at His throne of grace together beseeching Him in His purpose for His glory. He is waiting for us to come to Him and ask.