If you speak to someone about Jesus during the week, be sure to drop a white ball in the display located in the Welcome Center. If they make a decision to become a disciple of Christ, drop in a green ball. Let’s fill it up!
EP22 (Effective Prayer ‘22)
The Lord wills that our church would be a praying church. Here’s how to help you to become more aware of God’s manner of prayer.
A – Adoration
C – Confession
T – Thanksgiving
S – Supplication
Spend 22 minutes in Effective Prayer (EP).
Spend 22 seconds praying for your pastor, for God’s Shepherding his heart.
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man…”
James 5:16a
The H.E.A.R. Journal – Highlight, Explain, Apply, Respond
Spend intentional time in the Word daily.
Copies can be picked up in Welcome Center.
Giving at KMBC
This is a time to prove God’s faithfulness as we give our tithes and offerings. It’s not about just our church – it’s about other ministries that we support. You can go online to the KMBC website to give, mail in your check, or bring it in person to the church during office hours which are from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.
(If you are using your checking account, if doing online giving, then you will not be charged a fee. If you use your debit or credit card you have the choice to cover the fee or the church will absorb the cost.)
Click here to access the KMBC prayer calendar.