“…except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain” (Psalm 127:1).
The Eternal City just celebrated the moving of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Israel. Already the applause is monumental but death is a reality as we have already heard about the deaths of thirty-seven. There are many who hate Israel around the world, and there are now many who fear for the United States since this declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.
What do we take with us from this move? You and I have the opportunity to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. There will be no peace till we see the Prince of Peace coming to take over. The Slanderer, the Devil is mad. And in this move the world is setting itself up for the Antichrist to come and lead a federation of nations, though you and I understand the prophecy of the Bible, they do not.
We must pray and understand that what we are watching is the volatile situation that is escalating to war. Even though we are very glad for the move of the United States, we are also cognizant of the only Protector we have and His name is Jesus. Unbelief is prominent today in the hearts of many Americans and Israelis, but we thank God that in His sovereign hand we are watching the soon coming of our Lord.
We thank God for the bold move, for whoever blesses Israel God will bless. But we must be very concerned and must pray for the work and will of God. Don’t allow this season to pass you by. Take notice and take up your mantle for the glory of God.