“And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judea: for it is written by the prophet…” (Matthew 2:4-6).
Religion and flesh silences the voice of God in the soul of man. The chief priests and the scribes knew of the prophecy, birth, and location of where it would all take place, the birth of Christ, but to them God’s Word made little impact, condemning them instead of commemorating them. The signs of the Sent One were all around but not within.
Herod was ANGERED by the possibility of another King intruding into his kingdom (though he imagined it was his). The KingMakers traveled many months and miles, surrendering much money to greet Him, to ADORE Him, and to gift Him.
The religious leaders were APATHETIC. They pointed but did not pursue. They spoke but did not seek. They fantasized but did not find. Speed-reading may be good for other books but not for God’s Word.
Christmas should warn us that hearing and reading Scripture is not good enough! It’s in the doing of what we know which counts. It’s easy to know what is happening, to know what we should be doing, and then to shut down and say, “That’s good enough”. No, the blessing is in doing, not just in knowing.
Families are lost, churches are powerless, and nations are defeated because of apathy. Head belief and heart trust can be lost in the transmission of Christmas like no other season of the year. If we seek Him with our hearts we shall find Him. Religion is bread for daily use, not cake for special occasions