People of God,
If we are His friends then He desires for us to know some future events that affect us and will effectively work in us.
We will be studying the 24th chapter of Matthew for our series of the “Hope-Filled Olivet Discourse”. We will learn the future for the nation of Israel and for the church.
Is the coming of Jesus for His church soon? We will look and study God’s Word and prepare for Him. What about four of His disciples who asked Him for future events? Who were they? Why is it called the Olivet Discourse?
Would you care to know that what is taking place with so many who are not studying the Word of God nor desire to do so? What does the Word of God say about those who are not Christian at all?
Who are the Nationals taken away at the catching away of the church? Can we know when He is coming? Can we know when the second coming of Christ will take place? We have abundant truths in God’s Word. Are there signs of His coming?
What does the rebirth of Israel say to us? All of what we will be looking at will be eye-opening.
Join us and sober up! He is coming soon!
Pastor Don