“Let Down. Look Up.”
“Then the disciples took him by night, and let him down by the wall in a basket” (Acts 9:25).
The greatest day of Paul’s life, beside his salvation, was the day he realized that God’s plan for him was far better than his plan for his own life.
The chance of being let down by someone or something is 1 in 1.
Paul wanted to preach to his own people, the Jews, and went to them but they rejected him because of his new found message of grace in Christ Jesus. He had to be let down in a basket through a window over a wall to escape the bounty which was upon his head.
Paul wanted to go to the Jews but God said, “My plan is for you to go to the Gentiles, Paul.”
‘But my heart–‘protested Paul.
‘To the Gentiles, Paul,’ answered the Lord.
‘But my background—‘
‘To the Gentiles, Paul.’
‘But my training–‘
‘To the Gentiles, Paul.’
‘But, Lord–‘
‘To the Gentiles, Paul.’
‘To the Gentiles, Paul.’
‘OK, Lord.’
Some of you will make this decision today. You’ll finally choose to say, ‘OK, Lord.’ And when you do, you’ll at last will find rest in your soul.