“And that, knowing the time, that now is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed” (Romans 13:11). There is an old song that was produced and sung in 1978 by the Cars. It is entitled “Let the Good Times Roll.” Well, America was rolling in good times. She had more influence, more freedom, more stuff, more games, more concerts, more movies, more jobs, more self-absorption, more pornography, more Internet, more travel, more news, more cell phones, and more four-dollar cups of coffee than any nation in the world. Then September 11, 2001 happened! Somewhere between September 10th and September 11th, the stick broke, cracked, and splintered into a thousand pieces. It was on that early September morning that the world began to think. With the TV images of the planes again and again crashing into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and into the Pennsylvania field–one wonders if America will wake up from its slumber and sleep on the edge of another fateful morning. We are in a war and it is not time to walk out. War is a time to stay put and stay together. Wartime is a time to stay committed. Wartime is a time to forget the petty differences. War is a time to be a man and a woman of God who charges others to stand! Andrew Jackson said, “I was born for a storm and a calm does not suit me.” Paul says, “It is high time to awake!” |