December 2019
That Name! Jesus!
There’s no other name as great as the name of Jesus. Names are most important especially when you move into the world of the Bible. It is in this context that God put a face on Himself and called His name Jesus. God’s only begotten Son came into the world of names. Names such as Adam, Abraham, Ahab, Abner, some good names, others bad in character.
The Bible says of the Lord Jesus, “Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew1:21). I remember our youth carrying that banner down Main Street in Graham one Christmas holiday season along with all kinds of floats, people, and animals. I felt so good about that name and prayed as we carried the banner that others would love the Name that loved them.
Remember to take that name, Jesus, with you this Christmas Season. This child born on Christmas Day is both God and man! As man, He was born and shared in sinless human nature. As God, He was given-the Father’s love-gift to a sinful world. This child would be God in human flesh. That is amazing!
And He died in our place for the glory of the Father!
One day all will bow at the feet of Jesus. Men should bow now and shall bow then. All creation will bow and kneel before this blessed Name. I pray that if you don’t know that Name that you will find His Name in your heart of hearts. Let’s share the Name that all Heaven sings about and rejoices over this Christmas season. May we share that name, bear that name, and wear that name so that all the world would know that His name is Wonderful!