“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus…” (Phil. 2:5a).
Think of how the Lord Jesus let go of all–status, position, respect. He
gave up his rights to be respected, waited on, and adored.
Jesus walked and lived in “Glory Town.” He gave up the praise of angels, who
prostrated themselves and covered their faces with their wings when he
walked by, and they sang harmoniously that reached the furtherest star when
they found him near. Jesus humbled himself and became small for us.
Dress yourself in modesty. Fall off the pedestal others and maybe you have
placed yourself upon. There are a lot more important things to think of than
to think of yourself subconsciously.
Look at others. Look at the poverty around you–not just financial poverty,
but also marital poverty–broken families and families abused. Dress for
success by putting on the Lord Jesus Christ. Even next to you in church
there are hurts and pains. Do you see them?