“How happy is the man who has put his trust in the Lord” (Psalm 40:4).
If you have not met Satan face to face, it’s because you are running in the same direction. So many of us are asking for trouble, so why are we not happy when we get it? We are so smart about so many matters, we might have a smart head, but our brains run ahead of good sense.
Tragically, there are literally millions of people who know the NAME of Jesus Christ, but who know nothing of the LOVE and SAVING GRACE of Christ as Lord and Savior. Many people think of Christ as the Savior who takes instead of the Lord who Gave His life to give us our lives.
The Lord Jesus came to earth prepared to FORGIVE us for our sins and mistakes, asking only that we TRUST Him, BELIEVE into Him, and ASK for that forgiveness. Then He not only forgives, He FORGETS.
That’s the Jesus we should love. Can’t you sing? Surely we got a song in the heart! That song is a gift from God. We don’t earn it for He gave it. We get to sing THAT song to a world that is living in minor key. Use that song or it will be gone. Lots of people out there who need to hear the SONG of God. Happiness in the Lord overflows when we place our trust in the Lord.