“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” (James 1:22).
Our children are bombarded with “fun and done.” After one event of fun then we go on to the next. Water rides, the pool, cookouts, trips, videos, gaming, eating out, and taking off from church ministry are the norm today. America’s Christian Culture is entertaining our kids and ourselves to spiritual and emotional death. It is not healthy. We teach them inadvertently how to whisk their days away instead of numbering their days.
While we teach our children how to live by “do your work and then we play” attitude, adults are living continually on spiritual autopilot. In our highly educated, technologically-hyped and prosperous society, and within our theologically almost astute Christian culture, we tend to settle for “zipper prayers” to open or close our days and gatherings. Prayerlessness has become the attire of our independence from God.
Vance Havner said, “Few people would want to live where there are no churches but millions live as though there were no churches.” Church attendance is taken lightly today. Hearing the Word of God cost aplenty in days gone by. Where much is given, much shall be required. Today’s land sees a famine of the hearing of God’s Word, not because we cannot hear it, but because we do not listen to it. Moreover, as the text declares, there is the duty of doing it when we hear it.
Some things are inevitable, the status quo is here, but we do not have to be a part of this. We should raise our heads and say, “Thy will be done.” I’m going for God and I’ll do my part and see that it is done. “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord“, Joshua of old said to the people of Israel.