“And I looked and, lo, a Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads” (Revelation 14:1).
In the previous verse the Bible speaks of a beast and his number is 666 — man pretending to be God. Unless the people of that day (and I believe it to be soon) repent, they will take the seal of the beast which will enable them to settle down in the world to buy and to sale. Therefore they will accept the seal of the beast which will be their doom.
Though the man of sin will stand out in that future day he will not stand too long. John sees the Lord Jesus Christ standing at the Temple Mount in the city of Jerusalem at a time in the future. And alongside of the Lord Jesus and His return will stand those who have the mark of the Lord in their foreheads. The Lord is saying, “These are Mine. Hands off!” These are My 144,000.” Throughout these years of tribulation, they will be witnessing and testifying boldly about the Lord Jesus in the integrity of the Lord.
You and I are not to take up the lifestyle of today. These that are sealed are saved, sealed, and spotless men and women, those to whom lived for Christ in their generation. These are those who will have an impact on their times. You and I are to live with impact. During these days of lies, deception, immorality, and violence we are to be truth-filled disciples; during our short days on earth we are to live the same. If our mouths are filled with lies, if our lives are lacking in morality and integrity, then no one will listen to what we have to say about the gospel or the Lord Jesus.
“Father, thank you for the seriousness of this chapter. You have mapped out a plan that will ultimately bring glory to Your name, and we realize we must fit in Your plan. May we bear the message and the fruits of repentance and godliness. We commit our lives to You, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.“