“Wherefore, laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speaking, as newborn babies, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow by it” (I Peter 2:1-2).
With the breakup of the home we are becoming an angry nation. With the advent of kids who are angry at life and what it has done to them there is an uptick in gun violence. What used to be settled through normal communicable channels and court systems, we are now discounted and unsettled through the vengeance of young men or women with a gun.
The race issue has surfaced like days before. Except now the media covers quickly what it took papers days to print. Many conservative speakers can no longer enter our universities because of radical leftists who have resorted to violence. Add white supremacists into the mix and we could have a war on our hands.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer lamented the fact that students and professors during the Hitler era resorted to silence so as not to lose their jobs, etc. Today in our institutions Christian students, and especially professors, have to keep their convictions to themselves in order to graduate or continue teaching. One cannot even say, “Jesus“, in a classroom without repercussions.
I have no hope that the immigration crisis will be ever resolved. As both sides demonize each other we will continue to have a toxic atmosphere of name-calling and political posturing. The good news with all of this is that the churches have the privilege of welcoming whomever God sends to us.
God has called us to honor Him by letting our light shine despite the consequences. What is at stake are the eternal values that has been handed down to us. The Lord Jesus has given His Church (notice that I said, “His Church“) all the resources she needs to be faithful in every culture, every generation, and every circumstance. He will not forsake us now! By His Grace let the Church be the Church!