February 2021
KMBC Family & Friends,
What a year we have already experienced! Covid has divided many churches, families, and good men. It has broken unity and shattered harmony. What I love about the church of the Living God is that we are bound together, it is not artificial, it is Christ’s body.
The church is marked by truth, “continuing steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine.” They met together, they truly loved God’s Word and the teachings. They were in one accord for God’s program and Kingdom. Their fellowship was around the Lord’s death and resurrection. And they prayed together.
The church is marked by the tie. We are tied together by the Holy Spirit and our fellowship is in Him for we are identified in Christ as one. We are not two fellows in a ship, we truly fellowship together in Christ.
The church is marked by the table. We fellowship together by the Lord’s table. We recognize His death for each of us as we commune together in the Lord’s Communion.
The church is marked by the throne. We pray together, we receive great power together and His great presence when we meet together to pray.
The world around us will fear God as we fear Him above all fears.
The fear of the pandemic, loss of jobs, etc., have brought in a lot of reactions. Today we see violence, division, delusion, distraction, and deliberate sin. What did Noah do? He kept building. What about Paul? He kept winning souls. What about us? We will continue to rescue the perishing, care for the dying, and pray for the return of Christ.
I don’t know what tomorrow holds but I do know that we need to be ready and prepared. I heard a preacher this morning say “You better eat your ice cream before it melts.” Friends, we better do today what can’t be done tomorrow.
Are we ready? We need to return to Him before He returns.
I love you in the Lord. Pray for me, please. I’m praying ahead, planning ahead, preaching for the times we are in because I love the Lord and I love you.
Pastor Don