“How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is rather to be chosen than silver” (Proverbs 16:16).
Wisdom and understanding are worth more than gold and silver. God created the gold and God made the silver. We can find it in the earth and look for it in the ocean basins of the world, yet, wisdom and understanding come from above. God’s wisdom and understanding will make you rich in faith and wealthy in hope.
We do so much that rides against us when we do not seek the Father above. God has given us His mind and that mind is the mind of Christ. Instead of running off with our own religious thoughts God will give us His thoughts if we desire them more than all.
Dr. R.G. Lee was one of God’s prince preachers. One time Dr. Adrain Rogers asked Dr. Lee, “When God calls you on, is there some way we could put your brain in my head?” He replied, with a twinkle in his eyes, “That would be like putting a grand piano in a closet!” Better than having someone’s brain in your head is to have the mind of Christ in you by the Holy Spirit.
Don’t go out looking for something that is right under your nose. When we become impatient with people or disappointed in life we turn too often to our own ways. Turn to the Word of God and train yourself to depend upon the Spirit of God at every turn. If the Holy Spirit is not our Guide and we depend upon our own thoughts then we are doing even religious things that are empty of the power of Christ.
Father please teach us with the mind of Christ. We are a new creation in Christ. Your heart is to lead us and teach us. Therefore You died to live in us. Thank you for keeping us safe from our own thoughts. Your wisdom and understanding affords to us your direction and leadership. Thank you for giving us truth below the surface of our own understanding. Amen