“And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavored to go…” (Acts 16:10). Charles Spurgeon once said, “I’d rather be a lean bird in the woods than a fat bird in a cage.” What a sad sight to see a caged eagle beating its wings against the bars. But what a sadder sight it is to see a Christian who has given up and resigned to low living among that which is carnal and natural. There were a brand of pioneers who braved dangers, crossed 3,000 miles of ocean, and blazed another 3,000 miles of wilderness and desert to make a trail for America. Rugged spirits flocked here from every land. The Fathers of liberty risked security for liberty. Today we have traded liberty for security. And the soul is more fettered than ever because of it. What about us and our children? If we feather the nests too well the eaglets will never fly. The baby eagles might complain because they are no longer comfortable, but eaglets do not fly that way. If we feather our nests and feather their nests, taking out as much as possible the thorns, thistles, and prickly things, then be assured that eaglet will not fly as soon as it should, or as powerful as it could. Find a crag! Find a mountaintop and climb. Avoid a cage and find a solitary place to meditate “far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife.” Build your home high. An eagle needs an eyrie. You and I can see the whole battle from the distance. A prophet or a parent sees the whole picture like an eagle from a mountain crag. |